Friday, September 21, 2012


For further discussion of ghost mouse I ever post how to download "GHOST MOUSE" now I will explain how to use. Immediately wrote .... Ghost mouse is one of the automatic application to move the mouse, the mouse can also be said ghost ^ _ ^, why not? application program is very helpful in terms of the movement of the mouse to click or repeatedly, in the said ghost mouse may not cheat or prohibited actions when we use these applications in gaming, ghost mouse just meream mouse movements and will repeat the movement , as a result we do not need standby at the computer for hours and hours and even air we can do other activities.
   I think ghost mouse is perfect for permainin ninja saga, because in the game trsebut rely mouse movement or click, one more thing with this application more secure not afraid anymore with words banned or dissable account, rather than the use of a risk cheat 20 % stiap banned while stalking.
  Examples of movement or click in the game ninja saga:

  1.  install ghost mouse
  2.  play ninja saga to village
  3.  open ghost mouse 
  4.  click record
  5. execute its mission most exp / most concise,CTRL + ALT 
  6.  CTRL + ALT to stop ghost mouse will automatically stop
